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The Pit, the Mound and the Tiger, 2017

Brrum tilldelades 2:a pris i tävlingen Design a Story för bidraget The Pit, the Mound and the Tiger - en illustrerad berättelse om en specifik plats i Järfälla i norra Stockholm och platsens materiella historia. Tävlingen var en del i projektet Kalejdohill. Juryns motivering löd: "Cecilia Lundbäck, Ulrika Karlsson, Veronica Skeppe’s submission is a mysterious landscape that upon first glance can barely be noticed. Geographic transformations emerge and disappear. Where a pile once sat, now lays a hole. Humans arrive to find new work has been done; what they left is not it is now. A strange terrain emerges by the labor of other actors, other agents, with other motives. Other traces, other artifacts, other machines are left behind for us to decipher other ways of inhabiting the earth."

Designansvar: Brrum
Medverkande: Cecilia Lundbäck, Veronica Skeppe
